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Mixing Farm Chemicals

Using the EvenMix® Tote Mixer for Mixing Farm Chemicals

Mixing farm chemicals is required either continuously or periodically to keep product mixture consistent, such as micronutrient coatings that settle out or Atrazine that gel up over time.  Without performance in your mixing process, you will have issues in your downstream processes with application spraying equipment.  When it comes to mixing farm chemicals, you need powerful technology that can achieve a cohesive mix. Failure to employ the correct mixing can result in materials that are improperly combined, full of air, and inconsistent.

We all know how important it is to achieve a consistent mix and that’s exactly what you’ll get when you use the revolutionary EvenMix® Tote Mixer to mix your farm products.

Mixing Farm Chemicals

There are several farm chemicals that require mixing.  Fertilizers, herbicides, seed treatment, insecticides, and fungicides each have products that require mixing or agitation to keep all of their components in suspension.  Failure to do so will result in wasting a full or partial container of product since it is too settled out and unusable at this point.  Investing in the right mixing equipment will ensure that your investment in chemicals will be usable over time and through the seasons.  It’s a small investment that will keep your chemicals from settling out and ensure that they have the same chemical ratio that the manufacturer intended.  A common practice is to mix with an air wand.  In our experience that won’t result in a consistent product mixture, takes a long time, and often changes the chemical makeup of the product as a result of the air introduction.

IBC Tote Mixing Blade

We recently worked with a prominent coating supplier that needs to keep its product mixed consistently.  It was currently being mixed through the use of air bubbles.  While the air bubbles were able to mix a very thick product they didn’t result in a very consistent mixture and the introduction of air was actually causing a chemical reaction that resulted in a thickening substance that plugged up sprayers and other equipment.  We were able to mix their product consistently, in less time, at a cost reduction.  Now they are able to ensure their product quality in the field whether the container is new or has been sitting in the distribution warehouse for several months.  Additionally, our mixers are low weight and therefore can be moved from one container to another without much effort.

The last thing you want to do is waste a lot of time, money, and resources on the ingredients only to not be able to mix it correctly and have the product be unusable.  This is why when you’re mixing high viscosity ingredients you need the proper mixing technology to get the job done right.

Call Phil at 440-236-6677 x 1.  He has experience mixing several different farm chemicals.

How the EvenMix® Tote Mixer Works

EvenMix®’s patented IBC tote mixer technology has the ability to perfectly mix even the heaviest of materials. This mixing blade is revolutionary in design, featuring heavy-duty power in a low weight design. One of the main features that help this technology stand apart from the competition is the fact that it’s low-weight enough for one person to install and use—you no longer need two or more people or worse yet a forklift to install your mixing blade.

Additionally, since this mixing blade is designed specifically for IBC tote mixers, you can keep your farm chemicals right in your tote, eliminating the need to move them to different vessels, saving you time, money, and frustration.  It mixes with a downward thrust to make sure that the mixing gets done even in the bottom corners of the IBC tote.

Why Use the EvenMix® Tote Mixer

There are so many benefits to using the EvenMix® IBC Tote Mixer to mix your farm chemicals, beginning with the fact that it’s simple to achieve the right mix of ingredients.  It’s important to understand that our technology actually mixes the entire contents of the IBC tote at once (even in the corners) it does not simply sheer it.  We mix and blend.

Additionally, you’ll benefit from the fact that our mixer does not add any air into the mix during the process. Other mixing blades, on the other hand, are known for causing a problem with air addition which can affect the quality of the mix.  We mix technically and transfer the energy from the air or electric drive to the liquid more efficiently than any other mixer.  That’s why we are the only patented mixing blade on the market.

EvenMix® IBC Tote Mixer with Electric Motor
EvenMix® IBC Tote Mixer with Electric Motor

Lastly, when you use our patented tote mixer, you not only achieve the proper initial mix, but our technology has the power to continually and gently mix your liquid, keeping it consistent. Our blades use 3D mixing technology that mixes your liquid vertically, horizontally and circumferentially—there’s nothing else out on the market like it. It’s been tested up to 50,000 cps (see the video of it mixing Corn Gluten – the consistency of Peanut Butter).

If you’re ready to realize the difference in convenience and quality that you can achieve by making the switch to an EvenMix® IBC tote mixer, contact our team today and we’ll be happy to provide additional information.  Let us help protect your liquid investments.