Working Hours

Monday - Friday
8.00 AM - 5:00 PM


4641 Spring Road Cleveland, OH 44131


EvenMix® - How do EvenMix® Blades Work

EvenMix® – How do EvenMix® Blades Work

Have you been frustrated with your mixer and just know there has to be something better on the market?  EvenMix® founders were, too, so we set out to build the industry standard.  We worked hard to develop a mixer that will allow our customers to get that perfect even mix

Mixing in Large Tanks

Mixing in Large Tanks

Mixing in Large Tanks One of the most significant challenges for regular or traditional mixers is mixing in large tanks. Large tanks or large diameter tanks by their very definition range from 500 gallons on the low end to 5000 gallons on the high end. Most industrial mixers aren’t able

Using a Drum as a Mixing Vessel

Using a Drum as a Mixing Vessel

Using a Drum as a Mixing Vessel Using a drum as a mixing vessel to mix your material just makes sense. If you have purchased a liquid or semi-solid material and need it mixed, mixing it right in the vessel will save time from transferring it and money.  However, this

EvenMix® IBC Tote Mixers Blade

Less is MORE with Our Mixing Blade

It’s no secret that EvenMix® is an innovator in the mixing blade industry. We’ve talked about it extensively in our past blogs, but we’ve never got down to what differentiates us from our competitors. We feel that it is important to inform our customers, and this is the first step

EvenMix® IBC Tote Mixers Blade

The Inventive EvenMix® IBC Mixing Blade

The Inventive EvenMix® IBC Mixing Blade As they’re re-useable, an intermediate bulk container (IBC, for those in-the-know) can see many liquids that need proper mixing in only a brief period of time. While other businesses within the mixing and mixing blade products industry may claim that their blades can mix paints,